"This is cool. I've earned $3.50 US, $1.26 Australian, $0.70 Canadian, €1.08, and ¥60 from my app. Taxes should be interesting."
Overall there have been 17 sales in 6 countries. I'm interested to see what happens after the end of this b'ak'tun - whether there will be additional interest or if I'll see my sales drop to zero.
I decided to do a free, ad-supported version as well. Hooking up the iAd banner was surprisingly straight-forward. It took very little time to get the banners installed but when I started looking at doing the full-screen ads I've seen in other apps I found out quickly that the iAd network doesn't do it for iPhone - just iPad.
I've been playing with the idea of using Greystripe at one point and this provided the opportunity to get it integrated. With iAd's lack of full screen ad support on iPhone, Greystripe was the solution. The was a problem, though, in that the test ID that they provided failed to work properly. I "violated" the terms a little a turned on the ads while I was testing. Given that I had done most of the work already around the testing, going with "live" ads wasn't a gigantic hit on the volumes (I think I used 7 impressions for testing).
I did get the free (lite) version submitted to the App Store on December 12th and it sat in review for a few days. I did get a notification yesterday that it was being reviewed and very quickly went from "In Review" to "Ready for Sale". Here is the timing on that:
I was amazed that it was less than 2 hours from start to finish. Overall it was pretty amazing to see how quickly they got it squared away. Admittedly there was already one there that was practically the same thing but it was a different application. My original app took almost 2 days in review. This was 2 hours.
Anyway, both apps are now officially available for sale and Otto Von Productions, Inc. has published and sold its first applications. Now I just need to get the other 41 ideas I've got swimming in my head completed and published. Maybe I'll end up making this whole thing work after all.