I worked a little bit on the view management yesterday for Samantha. I had been playing around with Gimp to try to get some background images for my locations, but decided to put that on hold. What I'm thinking I'm going to do for a short-term solution is mock up the locations in Sims 2 and then use those images until I can either get someone to make some images for it or do them myself later. I'm no graphic artist, so ideally I'd have someone else who is make them. :)
The wiki is progressing nicely. I've got a lot of game concepts captured in there and it's coming together nicely. There are many things still to document, but I've managed to document a lot of things that have been rattling around in my head taking up CPU cycles. Now that they're out, I'm able to re-focus on things that need to get done.
The weekend has been busy, though. I went over to my see my lodge brother and get taxes done EARLY on Saturday and then had to bust a move down to Cathy's ballet class. From there I headed over for Taekwondo leadership class and then back home after lunch. I was exhausted from a few days of no sleep and ended up crashing Sat afternoon. I desperately needed the sleep. Cathy was very sweet and brought me a bowl of Raisin Bran for an afternoon snack. :) Today we've got ELPs rehearsal and then a drive to Laramie - Cathy's spending the first week of her spring break in Laramie with her grandma.
I'm hoping I'll have some time this week to work on Samantha and get this first user story done and off my plate. There are several other user stories that need to be done and I'm rapidly running out of time if I'm going to make my "end of June" deadline.